WEF Nexus Analytics Platform

Water, energy, and food are interrelated systems which face numerous challenges including a growing global population, economic crises, poverty, hunger and malnutrition, climatic uncertainties and more. Meeting these challenges requires a paradigm shift and a better understanding of how these three resources form a nexus, with quantifiable interconnections that need to be incorporated into decision-making processes.


nexus tool logoThe WEF Nexus Tool 2.0© is a holistic platform developed by our group to support decision-makers in identifying sustainable resource management strategies that are informed by the water-energy-food nexus. The scenario-based tool attempts to explicitly quantify the interconnections between the three resources, while capturing the impacts of the challenges and other stresses. Set up an account and start your own analysis here!

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Other Applications & Publications:

WET Tool (Water-Energy-Transportation application to assess impacts related to hydraulic fracturing in the Eagle Ford Shale)

Water–energy–food (WEF) Nexus Tool 2.0: guiding integrative resource planning and decision-making, Bassel T. Daher and Rabi H. Mohtar (2015) Water International, DOI:10.1080/02508060.2015.1074148 download

Water, Energy and Food: the Ultimate Nexus, Rabi H. Mohtar and Bassel Daher, Encyclopedia of Agricultural, Food, and Biological Engineering, Second Edition DOI: 10.1081/E-EAFE2-120048376 download

A Platform for Trade-off Analysis and Resource Allocation: The Water Energy Food Nexus Tool and its Application to Qatar’s Food Security, Rabi H. Mohtar and Bassel Daher (2014) (Produced as part of the Chatham House ‘Valuing Vital Resources in the Gulf’ series) download 


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