Professor Rabi H. Mohtar (Google Scholar) (Research Gate)
Rabi H. Mohtar is Professor of Biological and Agricultural Engineering and Civil and Environmental Engineering at Texas A&M University (College Station). During his career, Mohtar has used over $21M in funded research grants to address global resource challenges, including developing a Water-Energy-Food Nexus framework linking science to policy, characterization of the soil-water medium through thermodynamic modeling, and understanding the efficacy of non-traditional water using physical-based methodologies. In more than 400 research articles, book chapters, policy briefs, and conferences within the US and globally, Mohtar addresses Water, Energy, and Food security issues using a holistic Nexus approach. Mohtar has trained /is training over 100 PhD and MSc students from the United States the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, Europe, and Asia. He founded (2015-18) and coordinated A&M’s Water-Energy-Food Resource Nexus Initiative and while serving (2017-2020) as Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences (FAFS) of the American University of Beirut (AUB), founded its Water-Energy-Food-Health (WEFRAH) initiative. Both initiatives focus on addressing the nexus grand challenges and enable scientists and educators committed to finding solutions grounded in state-of-the-art science share skills, knowledge, and scientific talents and work in multidisciplinary teams to produce the needed analytic platforms and facilitate inclusive stakeholder dialogues about resource management that help us to address global resource challenges and implement the SDGs. Mohtar’s contributions are widely recognized, most recently by the Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA) with its first annual Water Energy Food and Ecosystem (WEFE) Nexus Award for his project: ONE Nexus at the WEFE Nexus Science advances Conference, co-organized by the European Commission, Union for the Mediterranean, PRIMA, and the Cyprus Institute. The American Chemical Society (ACS) Division of Environmental Chemistry organized a symposium honoring Rabi H. Mohtar at its annual meeting in August 2021 (Atlanta GA and online). In 2022, Mohtar was honored by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Texas A&M University with the Dean’s Outstanding Achievement Award for International Impact.
Mohtar is a Fellow of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE), Executive Board member of the of the International Water Resources Association (IWRA) and represents the American University of Beirut and Texas A&M University as a Governor of the World Water Council. He advises the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (Momentum of Change) and is a Senior Fellow of the Policy Center for the New South (formerly OCP). He serves on the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Councils on Water Security and Climate Change, was founding director of the Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute, Qatar Foundation. He is adjunct professor at the American University of Beirut, Faculty of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Texas A&M-Qatar, and at Purdue University, where he was inaugural director of Purdue’s Global Engineering Programs and co-founder of the Division of Environmental and Ecological Engineering.