Other Selected Papers

Daher, B., R.H. Mohtar, K. Portney, E.N. Pistikopolis, and B.A. McCarl, “Texas A&M’s Water-Energy-Food Nexus Initiative”, Presented at NEXUS 2018: Water, Food, Energy And Climate Conference, Nexus Partnerships: Sharing Experiences and Lessons Learned, University of North Carolina, April, 2019.

Jha, A., Ajami, H., Schreiner-McGraw, A (2019) Understanding Hydrologic Response of and Arid, Irrigated Watershed to Changing Climate Using a Watershed Scale Model. Poster Presentation, Wildland Urban Interfaces: Expanding Perspectives in Southern California, Riverside, CA.

Modarresi, S., B.S. Abada, A. Vargas, S. Chellam, X. Le, and B.A. McCarl, “Water Energy Nexus for Life: a Case Study in the Texas Colonias”, MIT Applied Energy “A+B” Symposium, 2019.

Allen, R.C., Y. Nie, S. Avraamidou, E. N. Pistikopoulos, X. Xiao, C.J. Fei, Y.Q. Yang, and B.A. McCarl (2018). A Multi-Scale Energy-Water Nexus Model: A Case Study of the Power Systems in Texas Edwards Aquifer. TAMU energy conference. College Station, TX.

Allen, R.C., Y. Nie, S. Avraamidou, E. N. Pistikopoulos, and X. Xiao (2018). A Multi-objective Energy-Water Nexus Planning model: A Case Study of the Power Systems in Texas Edwards Aquifer. A Multi-objective Energy-Water Nexus Planning model: A Case Study of the Power Systems in Texas Edwards Aquifer”, forthcoming presentation at AIChE conference, 2018. Pittburg.

Daher, B., K. Portney, and R.H. Mohtar “ (2018). Towards understanding the level of communication between Water-Energy-Food Government Organizations in San Antonio. International Conference for Sustainable Development. Columbia University New York, Sept. 26, 2018.

Daher, B., R.H. Mohtar Experience shared on San Antonio Case Study starting at Water-Energy-Food Nexus Initiative and moving to current activity with INFEWS.  Panelist in session on “Nexus Partnerships: Sharing Experiences and Lessons Learned” organized by UNHABITAT and United Nations University, North Carolina State University, 2018.

Fei, C.J., Y.Q. Yang, and B.A. McCarl (2018). Climate Change and the Comparative Cost of Conserved Water via Electrical Cooling Options: A FEW Nexus Case Study in South-Central Texas. TAMU energy conference. College Station, TX.

Fei, C.J., Y.Q. Yang, B.A. McCarl, R.C. Allen, Y. Nie, and E.N. Pistikopoulos  (2018). Economics of Energy Sector Water Use Alterations in Water Stressed Regions. TAMU energy conference. College Station, TX.

Thayer, A.W., and B.A. McCarl, “At what cost: exploring the nature and impacts of water rights transfers in the Edwards Aquifer”, Selected paper prepared for Annual Meetings of Western Agricultural Economics Association, Anchorage, 2018.

Thayer, A.W., B.A. McCarl, and X.M. Wu, “At what cost: exploring the agricultural and economic impacts of water rights”, Presented at Western Agricultural Economics Association Meeting, 2018.

Daher, B., R.H. Mohtar, E.N. Pistikopoulos, B.A. McCarl, and Y.Q. Yang, “Modeling Resource Hotspots: Critical Linkages and Processes”, Presented at American Geophysical Union Meeting, New Orleans, 2017.


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