Dresden Nexus Conference 2015 (DNC2015)
As a follow up to the kick-off workshop on “Advancing a Nexus Approach to the Sustainable Management of Water, Soil and Waste”, the first of the biennial Dresden Nexus conferences (DNC) will take place from 25-27 March 2015.
The DNC2015 will assemble UN organizations, UNU institutes, member states, German ministries, national and international organizations as well as individual researchers and NGOs from around the world under the theme “Global Change, Sustainable Development Goals and the Nexus
Approach”. DNC2015 will present three thematic topics over the course of three days; each day will deal with one aspect of global change: climate, urbanization and population growth. It will be discussed how the integrated management of environmental resources guided by nexus approach may help to achieve the potential targets of the post-2015 agenda.