Peer Reviewed Publications
see also: Policy Briefs Book Chapters & Reports Books Videos and Podcasts
T Hajjar, RH Mohtar, L Abou Jaoude, SF Yanni. (2025) Treated wastewater reuse for irrigation in a semi-arid region, Science of The Total Environment, V966, 2025, 178579, ISSN 0048-9697. download
L Abou Jaoude, F Kamaleddine, R BouSaid, RH Mohtar, R Dbaibo, SF Yanni. (2025) Treated wastewater reuse and its impact on soil properties and potato and corn growth. Science of The Total Environment, V 958, 2025, 178130, ISSN 0048-9697, download
Rabi Mohtar, Jing Peng, Bassel Daher, Xin He* (2024) Challenges and future actions on water‐economy‐ecology‐society nexus under changing environment. RIVER. 2024;1–4. DOI: 10.1002/rvr2.111. Wiley Online Library. <> download
AV Veetil, A. Fares, R. Awal, R. Mohtar. Assessing Future Water Scarcity in Texas Under Climate Change and Growing Water Demands Energies 2024, 17, 802. download
Ashkanani Z., Mohtar R., Al-Enezi S., Smith P.K., Calabrese S., Ma X., Abdullah M. AI-Assisted Systematic Review on Remediation of Contaminated Soils with PAHs and Heavy Metals, J. Hazardous Materials, (2024). download
Krisht, G.; BouSaid, R.; Aboujaoude, L.; Hajjar, T.; Kamaleddine, F.; Soufi, AR.; Bashour, I.; Yanni, SF.; Mohtar, R.; Dare, A. Irrigating With Treated Wastewater. 2024 Elsevier Inc. download
Ertuğrul, Ö.; Daher, B.; Özgünaltay Ertuğrul, G.; Mohtar, R. From Agricultural Waste to Energy: Assessing the Bioenergy Potential of South-Central Texas. Energies 2024, 17, 802. download
Rhouma, A.; El Jeitany, J.; Mohtar, R.; Gil, J.M. Trends in the Water–Energy–Food Nexus Research. Sustainability 2024, 16, 1162. download
M Tanha, RH Mohtar, AT Assi, R Awal, A Fares. 2024. Soil hydrostructural parameters under various soil management practices. Agricultural Water Management (AgWat) Volume 292, 108633, ISSN 0378-3774,
Rondon M, Ewane EB, Abdullah MM, Watt MS, Blanton A, Abulibdeh A, Burt JA, Rogers K, Ali T, Reef R, Mohtar R, Sidik F, Fahrenberg M, de-Miguel S, Galgamuwa GAP, Charabi YAR, Arachchige PSP, Velasquez-Camacho LF, Al-Awadhi T, King S, Srinivasan S, Jaafar WSWM, Montenegro JF, Karakasidou E, Pons J, Abbady MJ, Cardil A, Doaemo W and Mohan M (2023) Remote sensing based assessment of mangrove ecosystems in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries: a systematic review. Front. Mar. Sci. 10:1241928. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1241928. download
F Kamaleddine, I Keniar, SF Yanni, R Elhusseini, RH Mohtar. 2023 Wastewater to Wetlands: Turning the Tide with Azolla Ferns. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 1194 012016. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1194/1/012016. download
Water-Energy-Food-Health Solutions & Innovations for Low-Carbon, Climate-Resilient Drylands (A Frontiers in Environmental Science Special Issue including contributions from participants of the American Chemical Society (ACS) Fall 2021 meeting symposium honoring the contributions of Prof Rabi Mohtar to Water-Energy-Food WEF Nexus research and contributions honoring the 2018 launch by the American University of Beirut (AUB) of the Water-Energy-Food-Health Nexus Renewable Resources Initiative (WEFRAH). download the EPub
- Mohtar Rabi H., Aoun Mirella, Daher Bassel, Laspidou Chrysi S., Kim Hyunook, Sharma Virender K., Editorial: Water-Energy-Food-Health Solutions and innovations for low-carbon, climate-resilient drylands. Frontiers in Environmental Science. Vol. 11, 2023. DOI=10.3389/fenvs.2023.1153671. ISSN=2296-665. download
- Daher B, Hamie S, Pappas K, and Roth J. (2022). Examining Lebanon’s Resilience Through a Water-Energy-Food Nexus Lens. Front. Sustain. Food Syst., 6:748343. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2022.748343. download.
- Jalloul G, Keniar I, Tehrani A and Boyadjian C (2021) Antibiotics Contaminated Irrigation Water: An Overview on Its Impact on Edible Crops and Visible Light Active Titania as Potential Photocatalysts for Irrigation Water Treatment. Front. Environ. Sci. 9:767963. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2021.767963. download.
- Ramos EP, Kofinas D, Sundin C, Brouwer F and Laspidou C (2022) Operationalizing the Nexus Approach: Insights From the SIM4NEXUS Project. Front. Environ. Sci. 10:787415. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.787415. download.
- Karam C, Awad M, Abou Jawdah Y, Ezzeddine N and Fardoun A (2022) GAN-based semi-automated augmentation online tool for agricultural pest detection: A case study on whiteflies. Front. Plant Sci. 13:813050. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.813050 download.
- Ioannou AE and Laspidou CS (2022) Resilience Analysis Framework for a Water–Energy–Food Nexus System Under Climate Change. Front. Environ. Sci. 10:820125. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.820125 download.
- Mohtar RH (2022) The WEF Nexus Journey. Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 6:820305. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2022.820305 download
- Jalloul G, Al-Mousawi A, Chocr F, Merhi A, Awala H and Boyadjian C (2022) Fe-Sensitized Zeolite Supported TiO2 for the Degradation of Tetracycline Using Blue LED Irradiation. Front. Environ. Sci. 10:873257. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.873257 download
- Mohtar RH, Sharma VK, Daher B, Laspidou C, Kim H, Pistikopoulos EN, Nuwayhid I, Lawford R, Rhouma A and Najm MA (2022) Opportunities and Challenges for Establishing a Resource Nexus Community of Science and Practice. Front. Environ. Sci. 10:880754. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.880754 download
- Mohtar RH and Fares A (2022) The Future of Water for Food. Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 6:880767. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2022.880767 download
- Muell JD, Mohtar RH, Kan ES, Assi AT and Pappa V (2022) Farm-scale water-energy-food-waste nexus analysis for a closed-loop dairy system. Front. Environ. Sci. 10:880839. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.880839 download
- Nuwayhid I and Mohtar R (2022) The Water, Energy, and Food Nexus: Health is yet Another Resource. Front. Environ. Sci. 10:879081. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.879081 download
- Daher B, Bachour R, Yanni SF, Koo-Oshima S and Mohtar RH (2022) Food security under compound shocks: Can Lebanon produce its own Mediterranean food basket? Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 6:969248. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2022.969248 download
SH Lee, AT Assi, RH Mohtar, M Hamane, PR Yoon, SH Yoo. 2023. Development of WEF-P Nexus based on product-supply chain: A Case Study of Phosphorous Fertilizer Industry in Morocco. Science of the Total Environment. 857 doi: 159520. 12 pages download
A Anandhi, P Srivastava, RH Mohtar, RG Lawford, S Sen, J Lamba. 2022 (in press). Methodologies and Principles for Developing Nexus Definitions and Conceptualizations. J. ASABE. doi: 10.13031/ja.14539. download
Rabi H. Mohtar (2022) The role of the private sector in sustainable development, Water International, 47:7, 1023-1031, DOI: 10.1080/02508060.2022.2133789 [In memory of Dr Tony Allan: scholar, colleague and friend.] download
Martin Keulertz and Rabi Mohtar, The Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Libya, UAE, Egypt and Iraq, Rome, IAI, February 2022, 27 p. (IAI Papers ; 22|01), ISBN 978-88-9368-238-1 download
Zarrar Kahn, Edo Abraham, Srijan Aggarwal, Manal Ahmad Khan, Ricardo Arguello, Meghna Babbar-Sebens, Julia Lacal Bereslawski, Jeffrey M. Bielick, Pietro Elia Campana, Maria Eugenia Silva Carrazzone, Homero Castanier, Fi-John Chang, Pamela Collins, Adela Conchado, Koteswara Rao Dagani, Bassel Daher, Stefan C. Dekker, Ricardo Delgado, Fabio A. Diuana, Jonathan Doelman, Amin A. Elshorbagy, Chihhao Fan, Rossana Gaudioso, Solomon H. Gebrechorkos, Hatim M. E. Geli, Emily Grubert, Daisy Huang, Tailin Huang, Ansir Ilyas, Aleksandr Ivakhnenko, Graham P. W. Jewitt, Maria João Ferreira dos Santos, J. Leah Jones, Elke Kellner, Elisabeth H. Krueger, Ipsita Kumar, Jonathan Lamontagne, Angelique Lansu, Sanghyun Lee, Ruopu Li, Pedro Linares, Diego Marazza, María Pía Mascari, Ryan A. McManamay, Mazarines Meng, Simone Mereu, Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm, Rabi Mohtar, Abubakr Muhammad, Adenike Kafayat Opejin, Saket Pande, Simon Parkinson, Raphaël Payet-Burin, Meenu Ramdas, Eunice Pereira Ramos, Sudatta Ray, Paula Roberts, Jon Sampedro, Kelly T. Sanders, Marzieh Hassanzadeh Saray, Jennifer Schmidt, Margaret Shanafield, Sauleh Siddiqui, Micaela Suriano, Makoto Taniguchi, Antonio Trabucco, Marta Tuninetti, Adriano Vinca, Björn Weeser, Dave D. White, Thomas B. Wild, Kamini Yadav, Nithiyanandam Yogeswaran, Tokuta Yokohata, Qin Yue. (2022) Emerging Themes and Future Directions of Multi-Sector Nexus Research and Implementation. Environ. Sci., Sec. Environmental Systems Engineering download
Meshal M. Abdullah, Amjad Assi, Waleed K. Zubari, Rabi Mohtar, Hamed Eidan, Zahraa Al Ali, Bader Al Anzi, Virender K. Sharma, Xingmao Ma. (2022) Revegetation of native desert plants enhances food security and water sustainability in arid regions: Integrated modeling assessment. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 806, Part 4, 2022, 151295, ISSN 0048-9697,
Mohtar, R.H. (2021) Commentary: A new water management model and the role of IWRA in water disputes. Water International. 46:7-8, 1211-1215, DOI: 10.1080/02508060.2021.1996969 Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
Daher B., Mohtar R.H. (2021) Water-Energy-Food Sustainable Development Goals in Morocco. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A.M., Brandli L., Lange Salvia A., Wall T. (eds) Clean Water and Sanitation. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-70061-8_133-1. download
Daher, B., Hamie, S., Pappas, K., Nahidul Karim, M., & Thomas, T. (2021). Toward resilient water-energy-food systems under shocks: Understanding the impact of migration, pandemics, and natural disasters. Sustainability, 13(16), 9402. download
Daher, B., Hassan, R., ElMahdi, A., Molden, D., Stephan, R. M., Quesada, M. G., Assi, R., Bond, H., & Girma Wolde, S. (2021). Reflecting on water challenges of the past, present and Future: An intergenerational perspective. Water International, 46(7-8), 1236–1242. download
Straw, C. M., McCullough, B. P., Segars, C., Daher, B., Patterson, M. S. (2021). Reimagining sustainable community sports fields of the future: A framework for convergent science-stakeholder decision-making. Circular Economy and Sustainability. download
James Jones, Brahm Verma, Bruno Basso, P.E., Rabi Mohtar, and Marty Matlock, P.E. (2021) Transforming Food and Agriculture to Circular Systems: A Perspective for 2050. IN: Resource Magazine Special Issue on Transforming Food and Agriculture to Circular Systems. March/April 2021. V28:2 (Brahm Verma and James Jones, Guest Editors). download
Bruno Basso, P.E., James Jones, Tom Richard, Charles Sukup, P.E., Lalit Verma, P.E., Marty Matlock, P.E., Rabi Mohtar, Stephine Herbstritt, and Rafael Martinez-Feria (2021) Designing Circularity into Corn-Soybean Systems IN: Resource Magazine Special Issue on Transforming Food and Agriculture to Circular Systems. March/April 2021. V28:2 (Brahm Verma and James Jones, Guest Editors). download
C. Ting, P.E., Norman Scott, and Rabi Mohtar (2021) Circular Controlled-Environment Plant Production Systems. IN: Resource Magazine Special Issue on Transforming Food and Agriculture to Circular Systems. March/April 2021. V28:2 (Brahm Verma and James Jones, Guest Editors). download
Daher, B., Hamie, S., Pappas, K., Nahidul Karim, M., & Thomas, T. (2021). Toward resilient water-energy-food systems under shocks: Understanding the impact of migration, pandemics, and natural disasters. Sustainability, 13(16), 9402. download
Nahidul Karim, M. and Daher, B. (2021). Evaluating the potential of a Water-energy-food Nexus approach toward the sustainable development of Bangladesh. Water, 13(3), 366. doi:10.3390/w13030366
Zelinka, D. and Daher, B. (2021). Modeling the sustainable development nexus as a complex-coupled system. Advances in Systems Analysis, Software Engineering, and High-Performance Computing, 31-59. doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-5788-4.ch002
Sang-Hyun Lee, Makoto Taniguchi, Naoki Masuhara, Rabi H. Mohtar, Seung-Hwan Yoo, Masahiko Haraguchi. (2021) Analysis of industrial water-energy-labor nexus zones for economic and resource-based impact assessment. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. V169: June 2021; 105483. Elsevier. download
Jelle Beekma, J. Bird, A.N. Mersha, S. Reinhard, S.A. Prathapar, G. Rasul, J. Richey, J. Van Campen, R. Ragab, C. Perry, R. Mohtar, L. Tollefson, F. Tian. (2021) Enabling policy environment for water, food and energy security. Irrigation and Drainage. 2021;1–18. © 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. A Special Issue Paper. download
Braudeau, E., Mohtar, R.H. (2021) Hydrostructural Pedology, Culmination of the Systemic Approach of the Natural Environment. Systems 2021, 9, 8. download
TC Pinkerton, AT Assi, VA Pappa, E Kan, RH Mohtar. (2021) Impact of Dairy Wastewater Irrigation and Manure Application on Soil Structural and Water-Holding Properties. Transactions of the ASABE. Vol. 64(3): 857-868 © 2021 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers ISSN 2151-0032 download
FH Jaber, N Farajalla, HH Jaafar, B Daher, RH Mohtar (Guest Editors) (2021). Special Issue: Urban Drainage Systems . Water. MDPI. link
Pappas, K., Hamie, C. S., Daher, B. (2020). Water, energy, food resource challenges in migration: Role of informal institutions. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, 1-13. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-71066-2_79-1
Goodarzi, M.R., Vagheei, H., Mohtar, R.H. (2020) The impact of climate change on water and energy security. Water Supply. 20:7, 2530-2546. doi: 10.2166/ws.2020.150 manuscript
SH Lee, AT Assi, B Daher, FE Mengoub, RH Mohtar. (2020) A Water-Energy-Food Nexus approach for conducting trade-off analysis: Morocco’s phosphate industry in the Khouribga region. Hydrology and Earth Systems Science (HESS), 24(10) 4727–4741. manuscript
Mohtar R, Lawford RG, Engel-Cox JA. (2020) Editorial: Achieving Water-Energy-Food Nexus Sustainability: A Science and Data Need or a Need for Integrated Public Policy? Frontiers in Environmental Science. 8:132. ISSN=2296-665X Link
Daher, B., Hannibal, B., Mohtar, R. H., & Portney, K. (2020). Toward understanding the convergence of researcher and stakeholder perspectives related to water-energy-food (WEF) challenges: The case of San Antonio, Texas. Environmental Science & Policy, 104, 20–35. doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2019.10.020 2019 Elsevier Ltd. download
Schull, V.Z., Daher, B., Gitau, M.W., Mehan, S., & Flanagan, D.C. (2020) Analyzing FEW nexus modeling tools for water resources decision-making and management applications. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 119, 108-124. doi: 10.1016/j.fbp.2019.10.011. download.
Martin Keulertz and Rabi Mohtar. 2020. Governing the ‘Water-Energy-Food Nexus’ on the National Level. In Luomi, M., Fuller, G., Dahan, L., Lisboa Båsund, K., de la Mothe Karoubi, E. and Lafortune, G. 2019. Arab Region SDG Index and Dashboards Report 2019. (Pg 23-26). Abu Dhabi and New York: SDG Centre of Excellence for the Arab Region/Emirates Diplomatic Academy and Sustainable Development Solutions Network. Pg 23-26. download.
Lawford, RG, Mohtar, R., Daw, J., & Engel-Cox, J. (2019) On the Beneficial Uses of Data and Science in Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus Policies and Practices Posters. AGU Fall Meeting 2019 access
Jha, S.K. Saade, M., & Mohtar, R.H. Agriculture as catalyst for growth, jobs. The Daily Star, Lebanon. Opinion/Commentary. Oct 3,
Mohtar, R., & Assi, A. (2019) The Role of New and Green Water Resources in Localizing Water and Food Security Under Arid and Semi-Arid Conditions in The Oxford Handbook of Food, Water and Society Allan, T., Bromwich, B., Keulertz, M., & Colman, A. (Editors) DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190669799.013.45 download
Keulertz, M. & Mohtar, R. (2019) Governance and Cooperation over Food and SDG2 in the Arab Region. EDA Insight Research and Analysis. Emirates Diplomatic Academy. download
Carmona-Moreno, C., Dondeynaz, C., Beidler, M. (Editors), (2018) Position Paper on Water, Energy, Food and Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus and SustainableDevellpment Goals (SDGS). JRC Technical Reports. doi:10.2760/31812 KJ-NA-29509-EN-C; PDF ISBN 978-92-79-98276-7 ISSN 1831-9424 doi:10.2760/5295 KJ-NA-29509-EN-N. download
Rahbeh, M., Srinivasan, R., Mohtar, R. (2019) Numerical and conceptual evaluation of preferential flow in Zarqa River Basin, Jordan. Int’l J. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology. v.19 no.2 pp. 224-237. download
Assi, A.T., Blake, J., Mohtar, R.H., & Braudeau, E. (2019) Soil aggregates structure-based approach for quantifying the field capacity, permanent wilting point and available water capacity. Irrigation Science. ISSN 0342-7188. Doi 10.1007/s00271-019-00630-w. Springer. download.
Degirmencioglu, A., Mohtar, R., Daher, B.T., Ozgunaltay-Ertugrul, G., & Ertugrul, O. (2019) Assessing the Sustainability of Crop Production in the Gediz Basin, Turkey: a Water, Energy, and Food Nexus Approach. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. Vol 28-No. 4/2019 pg 2511-2522. download
J. Blake, A.T. Assi, R.H. Mohtar, E.F. Braudeau, C.L.S. Morgan (2019) Quantification of Available Water Capacity Comparing Standard Methods and a Pedostructure Method on a Weakly Structured Soil Transactions of the ASABE, 2019. Vol. 62:(2):289-301. ISSN 2151-0032. ASABE 2020 Superior Paper award download
Lee, S-H., Mohtar, R.H. & Yoo, S-H. (2019) Assessment of Food trade impacts on water, food, and land security in the MENA region. Hydrology and Earth Systems Science (HESS), 23, 557-572. Copernicus Publications EGU. download
Kulat, M.I., Mohtar, R.H., Olivera, F. (2019) Holistic Water-Energy-Food Nexus for Guiding Water Resources Planning: Matagorda County, Texas Case. Front. Environ. Sci. 7, 3. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2019.00003 open access
Mohtar, R.H., Editor. (2019) Opportunities in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Approach: Innovatively driving economic development, social wellbeing, and environmental sustainability. A Special Issue of Science of The Total Environment (STOTEN), reporting on the San Antonio Case Studies of the Texas A&M WEF Nexus Initiative (2015-2018). Volume 650, Part 1, 2019. access on line.
- Mohtar, R. H., & Daher, B. (2019) Lessons learned: Creating an interdisciplinary team and using a nexus approach to address a resource hotspot. Science of The Total Environment, 650, 105-110. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.08.406. download.
- Aldaco-Manner, L., Mohtar, R., & Portney, K. (2019) Analysis of four governance factors on efforts of water governing agencies to increase water reuse in the San Antonio Region. Science of The Total Environment, 647, 1498-1507. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.07.366 download.
- Bhojwani, S., Topolski, K., Mukherjee, R., Sengupta, D., El-Halwagi, M.M., (2019). Technology review and data analysis for cost assessment of water treatment systems. Science of the Total Environment 651 (2019) 2749–2761. 2761. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.09.363. download
- Daher, B., Lee, S., Kaushik, V., Blake, J., Askariyeh, M. H., Shafiezadeh, H., Mohtar, R. H. (2019) Towards bridging the water gap in Texas: A water-energy-food nexus approach. Science of the Total Environment 647 (2019) 449–463. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.07.398. download
- Dargin, J., Daher, B., & Mohtar, R. H. (2019) Complexity versus simplicity in water energy food nexus (WEF) assessment tools. Science of the Total Environment 650 (2019) 1566–1575. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.09.080. download
- Loy, S., Assi, A. T., Mohtar, R. H., Morgan, C., & Jantrania, A. (2018) The effect of municipal treated wastewater on the water holding properties of a clayey, calcareous soil. Science of the Total Environment 643 (2018) 807–818. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.06.104. download
- Mohtar, R. H., Shafiezadeh, H., Blake, J., & Daher, B. (2019) Economic, social, and environmental evaluation of energy development in the Eagle Ford shale play. Science of the Total Environment 646 (2019) 1601–1614. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.07.202. download
- Tahtouh, J., Mohtar, R., Assi, A., Schwab, P., Jantrania, A., Deng, Y., & Munster, C. (2019). Impact of brackish groundwater and treated wastewater on soil chemical and mineralogical properties. Science of the Total Environment 647 (2019) 99–109. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.07.200. download
- Daher, Bassel, Bryce Hanibal; Kent Portney; Rabi H Mohtar (2019) Towards Creating an Environment of Cooperation between Water, Energy, and Food Stakeholders in San Antonio. Science of the Total Environment 651 (2019) 2913–2926. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.09.395. download
- Mroue, A. M., Mohtar, R. H., Pistikopoulos, E. N., & Holtzapple, M. T. (2019). Energy Portfolio Assessment Tool (EPAT): Sustainable energy planning using the WEF nexus approach – Texas case. Science of the Total Environment 648 (2019) 1649–1664. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.08.135. download
Assi, Amjad T., Rabi H. Mohtar, and Erik Braudeau. (2018). Soil Pedostructure-based method for calculating the soil-water holding properties. MethodsX., Elsevier 5:950–958. doi: 10.1016/j.mex.2018.08.006 download.
Sang-Hyun Lee, Jin-Yong Choi, Seung-Hwan Yoo, Rabi H. Mohtar. (2018) Water footprint for Korean rice products and virtual water trade in a water-energy-food nexus. Water International. (43-6: Virtual Water: Its Implications on Agriculture and Trade). ISSN: 0250-8060. download
Jamie L. Foster, Matthew E. Bean, Cristine Morgan, Gaylon Morgan, Rabi Mohtar, Juan Landivar, and Mac Young. (2018) Comparison of Two Tillage Practices in a Semi-Arid Cotton–Grain Sorghum Rotation. Agronomy Journal 110:4. doi:10.2134/agronj2017.12.0706
Lee, S., Taniguchi, M., Mohtar, R., Choi, J., & Yoo, S. (2018). An Analysis of the Water-Energy-Food-Land Requirements and CO2 Emissions for Food Security of Rice in Japan. Sustainability 10:9,3354. doi:10.3390/su10093354. download
Braudeau, E., Boukcim, H., Assi, A. T., & Mohtar, R. H. (2018). Hydrostructural Pedology, New Scientific Discipline Allowing for Physical Modelling of ‘Green Water’ Dynamics in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere System. J. Agriculture and Ecology Research International, 15:3,1-8. doi:10.9734/jaeri/2018/43822. download
Anne Dare and Rabi H. Mohtar (2018) Farmer perceptions regarding irrigation with treated wastewater in the West Bank, Tunisia, and Qatar. Water International, 43:3: Wicked Problems of Water Quality Governance. DOI: 10.1080/02508060.2018.1453012 download
Raya Marina Stephan, Rabi H. Mohtar, Bassel Daher, Antonio Embid Irujo, Astrid Hillers, J. Carl Ganter, Louise Karlberg, Liber Martin, Saeed Nairizi, Diego J. Rodriguez, and Will Sarni (2018): Water–energy–food nexus: a platform for implementing the Sustainable Development Goals, Water International, DOI: 10.1080/02508060.2018.1446581 download
Bassel Daher, Rabi H. Mohtar, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos, Kent E. Portney, Ronald Kaiser, Walid Saad. 2018. Developing Socio-Techno-Economic-Political (STEP) Solutions for Addressing Resource Nexus Hotspots. Sustainability 10:512; doi:10.3390/su10020512. download
Rabi H. Mohtar and Bassel Daher. 2017. Beyond zero sum game allocations: expanding resources potentials through reduced interdependencies and increased resource nexus synergies. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering. Elsevier. 18:November, 84-89. download
E Karan, S Asadi, R Mohtar, M Baawain. 2017. Towards the optimization of sustainable food-energy-water systems: a stochastic approach. J. Cleaner Production. 171:10, 662-674. Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.10.051 download
Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports Special issue [an outcome of the NSF-FEW Nexus Multistakeholder Dialogue Workshop, College Station, TX, January 2017]
- RH Mohtar (guest ed.) 2017. Invited Commentary: Preface to the Issue. Curr Sust / Renew Energy Reports 4:3, 87-89.
- AS Stillwell, AH Mroue, JD Rhodes, MA Cook, JB Sperling, T Hussey, D Burnett, ME Webber. Water for Energy: Systems Integration and Analysis to Address Resource Challenges. Curr Sust / Renew Energy Reports 4:3, 90-98.
- E Castell-Perez, C Gomes, J Tahtouh, R Moreira, ES McLamore, HS Knowles III. Food Processing and Waste Within the Nexus Framework. Curr Sust / Renew Energy Reports 4:3, 99-108.
- EJ Sullivan Graham, N Baktian, L Mar Camacho, S Chellam, A Mroue, JB Sperling, K Topolski, P Xu. Energy for Water and Desalination. Curr Sust / Renew Energy Reports 4:3, 109-116.
- R Lal, RH Mohtar, AT Assi, R Ray, H Baybil, M Jahn. (2017). Soil as a Basic Nexus Tool: Soils at the Center of the Food–Energy–Water Nexus. Curr Sust / Renew Energy Reports 4 (3), 117-129. Springer Link
- S Loy, J Tahtouh, C Munster, K Wagner, A Fares, S Ale, R Vierling, F Jaber, A Jantrania. State of the Art of Water for Food Within the Nexus Framework. Curr Sust / Renew Energy Reports 4 (3), 130-136.
- BA McCarl, Y Yang, R Srinivasan, EN Pistikopoulos, RH Mohtar. 2017. Data for WEF Nexus Analysis: a Review of Issues. Curr Sust / Renew Energy Reports 4 (3), 137-143.
- BA McCarl, Y Yang, K Schwabe, BA Engel, AH Mondal, C Ringler, E N Pistikopoulos. Model Use in WEF Nexus Analysis: a Review of Issues. Curr Sust / Renew Energy Reports 4 (3), 144-152.
- B Daher, W Saad, SA Pierce, S Hülsmann, RH Mohtar. 2017. Trade-offs and Decision Support Tools for FEW Nexus-Oriented Management. Curr Sust / Renew Energy Reports 4 (3), 153-159.
- KE Portney, A Vedlitz, G Sansom, P Berke, and BT Daher. (2017) Governance of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: The Conceptual and Methodological Foundations for the San Antonio Region Case Study, Curr Sust / Renew Energy Reports, 4:3, 160-167.
- DW Smith, M Welch, KE Bennett, J Padgham, R Mohtar. 2017. Building a WEF Nexus Community of Practice (NCoP). Curr Sust / Renew Energy Reports 4:3, 168-172
- JB Sperling, PR Berke. 2017. Urban Nexus Science for Futuer Cities: Focus on the Energy-Water-Food-X Nexus. Curr Sust / Renew Energy Reports 4:3, 173-179.
Rudolph A. Rosen, Rabi Mohtar, Luis A. Cifuentes, Stephen Frayser, Gwendolyn Hustvedt, Wesley Patrick, Chara Ragland, Susan V. Roberts, Jorge Vanegas, Cindy Wall, James Wall. (2017). Commentary: The route to water security for Texas: the 2015-2016 Texas Water Roadmap Forums. Texas Water Resources Institute (TWRI). Texas Water Journal. (8), 1. download
RH Mohtar. 2017. A call for a new business model valuing water use and production: the Water, Energy and Food Nexus holistic system approach. Water International 42 (6), 773-776 download
B Daher, RH Mohtar, SH Lee, A Assi. 2017. Modeling the Water‐Energy‐Food Nexus: A 7‐Question Guideline. Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Principles and Practices 229, 57. download
AE Dare, RH Mohtar, CT Jafvert, B Shomar, B Engel, R Boukchina, A Rabi. 2017. Opportunities and Challenges for Treated Wastewater Reuse in the West Bank, Tunisia, and Qatar. Transactions of the ASABE 60 (5), 1563. download
Lee, Sang-Hyun, Yoo, Seung-Hwan, Chio, Jin-Yong, and Mohtar, Rabi H. (2016). Evaluation of external virtual water export and dependency through crop trade: an Asian case study. Paddy Water Environ Springer Japan. DOI 10.1007/s10333-016-0569-4 download
Martin Keulertz, Jeannie Sowers, Eckart Woertz, and Rabi Mohtar. (2016). The Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Arid Regions: The Politics of Problemsheds. The Oxford Handbooks Online. Ken Conca and Erika Weinthal (eds). DOI: 10.10913/oxfordhb/9780199335084.013.28 download
UN-ESCWA (R.H. Mohtar, ed.) (2016) Developing the Capacity of ESCWA Member Countries to Address the Water and Energy Nexus for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals, Regional Policy Toolkit. United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN-ESCWA) 219 pgs. United Nations, Beirut. [download]
Sang-Hyun Lee, Rabi H. Mohtar, Jin-Yong Choi, Seung-Hwan Yoo. (2016). Analysis of the characteristics of the global virtual water trade network using degree and eigenvector centrality, with a focus on food and feed crops. Hydrology and Earth System Science, 20, 4223-4235, doi: 10.5194/hess-20-4223-2016 download
Erik Braudeau, Amjad T. Assi, Rabi H. Mohtar. (2016). Hydrostructural Pedology. Wiley-ISTE. 186 pages. ISBN: 978-1-84821-994-6 Link to English Version. Link to French Version
Mohtar, Rabi H. (2016). The Role of Soils in Global Water and Food Secuirty. PB-16/11 (April). OCP Policy Center. download
Rabi H. Mohtar and Richard Lawford. (2016). Present and future of the water-energy-food nexus and the role of the community of practice, J Environ Stud Sci, 6:192-199. DOI 10.1007/s13412-016-0378-5, download
Mohtar, Rabi H. (2016). Local, National, and Global Engagement, Resource. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers 23 (5), 13-13. download
Mohtar, Rabi H. (2016). Integrated Water, Energy, and Food Governance: A Qatari Perspective. In: Policy-Making in a Transformative State, Tok M., Alkhater L., Pal L. (eds). Palgrave Macmillan, London. pp 295-307, DOI: 10.1057/978-1-137-46639-6_11 Link to book
Mohtar, Rabi H. (2016). The Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Who Owns it? PB-16/03. (January) OCP Policy Center. download
Rabi H. Mohtar and Bassel Daher (2016). Water-Energy-Food Nexus Framework for facilitating multi-stakeholder dialogue. Water International, DOI: 10.1080/02508060.2016.1149759. download
Darwish, Mohamed A.; Abdulrahim, Hassan; Mohammed, Sayeed; and Mohtar, Rabi (2015). The role of energy to solve water scarcity in Qatar, Desalination and Water Treatment, 57:40, 18639-18667 download
Anik Bhaduri, Claudia Ringler, Ines Dombrowski, Rabi Mohtar & Waltina Scheumann. (2015). Sustainability in the water-energy-food nexus. Water International, 40:5-6, 723-732, DOI: 10.1050/02508060.2015.1096110 download
Mohtar, R. and R. A. Rosen (2015). Resource Nexus: Water, Energy, Food. Water Fourm and Technology Roadmap. Resource Nexus Water Forum. Texas A&M University System. download
Mohtar, Rabi H. (2015). Ven Te Chow Memorial Lecture: Localizing water and food security. Water International, 40:4, 559–567, DOI: 10.1080/02508060.2015.1084209 download
Anmala, J. and Mohtar, R. (2015). Cauchy Solution of the Kinematic Wave Shallow-Water Equations Using Square-Grid Finite-Element Method. J. Hydrol. Eng., 20:12, ASCE. download
Bassel T. Daher and Rabi H. Mohtar (2015). Water-energy-food (WEF) Nexus Tool 2.0: guiding integrative resource planning and decision-making, Water International, DOI:/02508060.2015.1074148 download
Rami Jabakhanji, Rabi H. Mohtar (2015). A peridynamic model of flow in porous media, Advances in Water Resources 78:22-35. download
Mohtar, Rabi H., Assi, Amjad T. and Daher, Bassel T. (2015). Bridging the Water and Food Gap: The Role of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus, Working Paper No. 5, (Hiroshan Hettiarachchi, Issue Editor). Dresden: United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES). download
Rabi H. Mohtar and Bassel Daher (2015). Policy Briefs for the Water, Energy and Food Nexus in the Arab Region, prepared for GIZ ACCWaM Regional Programme for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Water Sector in the MENA Sector. In cooperation with the League of Arab States and the Arabian Gulf University inception workshop. March 4-5, 2015, Cairo, Egypt. Arabic Language download
IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency) (2015) Renewable Energy in the Water, Energy & Food Nexus, Rabia Ferroukhi, Divyam Nagpal, Alvaro Lopez-Peña and Troy Hodges, Rabi H. Mohtar, Bassel Daher, Samia Mohtar, Martin Keulertz (eds) 124 pages. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. download
Mohtar, R. H. (2015), Opportunities and Challenges for Innovations in Qatar. Muslim World, 105: 46–57. doi:10.1111/muwo.12079 download
Mohtar, R.H. & Daher, B. (2014): A Platform for Trade-off Analysis and Resource Allocation: The Water-Energy-Food Nexus Tool and its Application to Qatar’s Food Security. Produced as part of the Valuing Vital Resources in the Gulf Series, Chatham House. download
Braudeau, E., R.H. Mohtar (2014). A framework for soil-water modeling using the pedostructure and Structural Representative Elementary Volume(SREV) concepts. Front. Environ. Sci., 2:24. download
R Mohtar, B Daher, I Mekki, T Chaibi, RZ Chebbi, A Salaymeh (2014). The water, energy and food (WEF) nexus project: A basis for strategic planning for natural resources sustainability-Challenges for application in the MENA region. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol 16, EGU2014-15330 download
Braudeau, Erik and R.H.Mohtar (2014.) Integrative Environmental Modeling. In: Encyclopedia of Agricultural, Food, and Biological Engineering, Second Edition. Taylor and Francis: New York, Published online: 07 May 2014; 1-6. download
Braudeau, E., G. Hovhannissian, A.T. Assi, and R.H. Mohtar (2014). Soil water thermodynamic to unify water retention curve by pressure plates and tensiometer. Front. Earth Sci. 2:30. download
Braudeau, Erik F., A.T. Assi, H. Boukcim, R.H. Mohtar (2014). Physics of the soil medium organization part 1: thermodynamic formulation of the pedostructure water retention and shrinkage curves, Frontiers in Environmental Science. download
Assi, Amjad T., J. Accola, G. Hovhannissian, R.H. Mohtar and E.F. Braudeau (2014). Physics of the soil medium organization part 2: pedostructure characterization through measurement and modeling of the soil moisture characteristic curves, Frontiers in Environmental Science. download
Anmala, J. and Mohtar, R. (2014). Analytical Evaluation of Amplification Factors, Stability, and Error Analysis of Square Finite Element Solution for the Kinematic Wave Shallow Water Equations. J. Hydrol. Eng., 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0000950, 04014013. download
Darwish, M. and R.H. Mohtar, and A. Hassan (2013). Toward Implementing HH the Amir Declaration of 2% Electricity Generation by Solar Energy in 2020. J. Energy and Power Engineering 2013:5, 245-258. download
Mohtar, R. H. and Darwish, M. (2013). Prime Energy Challenges for Operating Power Plant in GCC, J. Energy and Power Engineering, 2013:109-128 download
Dare, Anne Elizabeth; Mohtar, Rabi H.; Boukchina, Rachid; Rabi, Ayman; Shomar, Basem (2013). Limitations of treated wastewater reuse in the Middle East and North Africa: Work-in-progress, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Paper number 131618128, DOI: download
Darwish, M. A. and Mohtar, Rabi (2013). Qatar Water Challenges, Desalination and Water Treatment, 51:1-3, pg 75-86. download.
Mohtar, R.H. and Segerlind. (2012) Accuracy-Based Time Step Criteria for Solving Parabolic Equations In: Modeling, Mesh Generation, and Adaptive Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations. Ivo Babuska, Joseph E Flaherty, William D Henshaw, John E Hopcroft, Joseph E Oliger, Tayfun Tzduyar (Eds.), Springer, pg 153-162 . download
R Jabakhanji, and RH Mohtar (2012). A Non-Local Model for Transient Moisture Flow in Unsaturated Soils Based on the Peridynamic Theory, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2012, abstract #H43D-1387 download
Darwish, M.A. & Rabi Mohtar (2012). Qatar water challenges, Desalination and Water Treatment, DOI:10.1080/19443994.2012.693582, download
Darwish, M., R.H. Mohtar (2012). Prime Energy Challenges for operating Power plants in the GCC. Energy and Power Engineering journal. Download
Darwish, M.A, R.H. Mohtar, M. Chmeissani and Y. El-gendy (2012). Desalting seawater in Qatar by renewable energy, Desalination and Water Treatment. 47: 279-294. download
Abou Najm, M.; Jesiek, J., R.H. Mohtar, Lura, P.; Sant, G. (2012). Assessing the Role of the Pore Solution Concentration on Horizontal Deformations in an Unsaturated Soil Specimen during Drying. Geoderma 187-88:(2012), 31-40, download
Hamoda, Mohamed; Daerish, Mohamed; Mohtar, Rabi (2012). Artificial ground water recharge using treated wastewater effluents. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings 10.5339/qfarf.2012.EEO11 download
Mas-Peinado, Paloma; Castilla, Aurora; Paris, Mario Garcia; Saifelnasr, Essam and Mohtar, Rabi (2012). Genetic divergence among populations of the darkling beetle Adesmia cancellata in Qatar. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings. 10.5339/qfarf.2012.EEP54 download
Darwish, Mohamed Ali; Abdul-Rahim, Hassan and Mohtar, Rabi (2012). Doha solar cogeneration power desalting pilot plant: Preliminary design. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings. 10.5339/qfarf.2012.EEO9 download
Sanders, E. C., M. R. Abou Najm, R. H. Mohtar, E. Kladivko, and D. Schulze (2012). Field method for separating the contribution of surface-connected preferential flow pathways from flow through the soil matrix, Water Resour. Res., 48, W0454. doi: 10.1029/2011WR011103, download
Salahat, M., R.H. Mohtar, Braudeau, E., Schulze, D.G., Assi, A. (2012). Toward Delineating Hydro-functional Soil Mapping Units using the Pedostructure Concept: A Case Study. Comput. Electron. Agric. 86, pp15-25. download
Singh, J, R.H. Mohtar, Braudeau, E., Heathmen, G., Jesiek, J., Singh, D. (2012). Field evaluation of the pedostructure-based model (Kamel). Comput. Electron Agric, 86:8, 4-14. download.
Llewellyn-Smith, Chris and Mohtar, Rabi H. (2012). Energy Security Symposium: Qatar, 13-15 November 2011. QScience Proceedings. 2012, Energy Security Research Symposium, 29. 10.5339/qproc.2012.gccenergy.2.29 download
Darwish, Mohamed; Ali, Fedaa and Mohtar, Rabi (2012). Prospect of Using Nuclear CPDP in Qatar and other GCCC. QScience Proceedings. 2012, Energy Security Research Symposium, 16. 10.5339/qproc.2012.gccenergy.2.16 download
Darwish, Mohamed; Mohtar, Rabi and Fedaa Ali. (2012). Qatar Energy Footprint. QScience Proceedings. 2012, Energy Security Research Symposium, 14. 10.5339/qproc.2012.gccenergy.2.14 download
Daher, Bassel Tahsine (2012). Water, energy, and food nexus: A basis for strategic planning for natural resources. ProQuest Dissertations 1529829. Purdue University, Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, West Lafayette, Indiana. download
Mohtar, R.H., Daher, B. (2012). Water, Energy, and Food: The Ultimate Nexus. In Encyclopedia of Agricultural, Food, and Biological Engineering Second Edition, Dennis R. Heldman, Carmen I. Moraru (Eds.) (pp. 1-15) Abingdon, UK: Taylor & Francis. DOI:10.1081/E-EAFE2-120048376 download
Mohtar, Rabi H. and Dare, Anne E. (2012). Global Design Team: A Global Service-Learning Experience. International Journal of Engineering Education, 28:1, 69–182. download
Braudeau, Erik; Mohtar, Rabi H.; Martin, Pierre (2011). SoilWater2 Model Component. System for Environmental and Agricultural Modelling; Linking European Science and Society. Seamless Number 010036; Deliverable PD.3.2.3 download
Braudeau, Erik and Mohtar, Rabi H. (2011). Pedostructure and Pedoclimate: New Concepts in Soil Water Physics Leading Hydrostructural Pedology at the Heart of Agri-Environmental Disciplines. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings. 10.5339/qfarf.2011.evo7 download
Lecoeur, Diane ; Hamade, Ali; Mohtar, Rabi; Dubrule, Olivier; Mohieldeen, Yasir; Sadois, Claude; Andi-Suliono, Wignyo and Terrance B. Murphy. (2011). Air Quality Management System for Qatar. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings. 10.5339/qfarf.2011.evo9 download
Aurora Castilla, Renee Richer, Anthony Herrel, April AT Conkey, John Tribuna, Rita Chan, Juan Martínez de Aragón, Benno Böer, andRabi Mohtar. (2011). Plant Diversity in the Diet of the Lizard Uromastyx Aegyptia Microlepis in Qatar: The Effect of Zone, Sampling Date and Faeces Size. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings. 10.5339/qfarf.2011.evp7 download
JJ Mallory, RH Mohtar, GC Heathman, DG Schulze, E Braudeau (2011). Evaluating the effect of tillage on soil structural properties using the pedostructure concept. Geoderma 163:3, 141-149 download
J Anmala, and RH Mohtar (2011). Fourier stability analysis of two-dimensional finite element schemes for shallow water equations. Intn’l J. Computational Fluid Dynamics. 25:2, 75-94 download
AE Dare, RH Mohtar, JH Lumkes (2011). Global Design Teams: Case Studies of Student and Community Impact. Louisville, Kentucky, August #1111593. doi:10.13031/2013.38134 download
Rabi H. Mohtar (2011). An Integrated Sustainability Index for Effective Water Policy. In Water security : the water-food-energy-climate nexus. World Economic Forum, Water Initiative. Dominic Waughray (Ed.) Island Press. Washington, Covelo, London. 271 pages download
AE Dare, RH Mohtar, JH Lumkes, PK Imbrie, AH Ciftci (2011). Assessment of Global Competencies within Purdue University’s College of Engineering. Louisville, Kentucky, August 2011, 1 doi:10.13031/2013.38135 download
V Merwade, BL Ruddell, C Song, S Brophy,RH Mohtar, A Yerrammilli (2010). Water-HUB-A community cyberinfrastructure for hydrology education and research. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, Abstracts 1, 1238 download
S Silliman, RH Mohtar, KG Paterson, WP Ball (2010). Engineering Academic Programs for Hydrophilanthropy: Commonalities and Challenges. In DK Kreamer, Hydrophilanthropy and Education. J. Contemporary Water Research & Education 145:1, 5-29. download
MR Abou Najm, JD Jabro, WM Iversen, RH Mohtar, RG Evans (2010). New method for the characterization of three‐dimensional preferential flow paths in the field. Water Resources Research 46:2. 4 download
MRA Najm, RH Mohtar, KA Cherkauer, BF French (2010). Effect of integrating hydrologic scaling concepts on students learning and decision making experiences. Advances in Engineering Education 2 (1).
Mohtar, RH; Whittaker, A; Amar, N (2009). Food, Environment, Engineering and Life Sciences Program. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1:08 download
Ouessar, M; Bruggeman, A; Abdelli, F; Mohtar, RH; Gabriels, D; Cornelis, WM (2009). Modelling water-harvesting systems in the arid south of Tunisia using SWAT. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 13:10, 2003-2021 download
Mohtar, RH; Rahbeh, ME (2009). Finite Element Modeling of Multi-Phase Contaminant Transport in Porous Media. A paper from the State-of-the-Art in Application of Finite Element Numerical Solutions to Engineering Problems: A Session Honoring Pioneering Contributions of Professor Kamyar Haghighi. ASABE Annual International Meeting, June, 1. doi:10.13031/2013.27327 download
Braudeau, E; Mohtar, RH (2009). Modeling the soil system: bridging the gap between pedology and soil–water physics. Global and Planetary Change 67:1, 51-61 download
Najm, M Abou ; Mohtar, RH; Weiss, J; Braudeau, E (2009). Assessing internal stress evolution in unsaturated soils. Water Resources Research 45:5. download
Marcato, CE; Mohtar, R; Revel, JC; Pouech, P; Hafidi, M; Guiresse, M (2009). Impact of anaerobic digestion on organic matter quality in pig slurry. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 63:3, 260-266 download
Mohtar, R (2009). Effect of Large Scale Multimedia Hydrologic Modeling Tools on Student Learning and Decision Making. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 11, 1762 download
Braudeau, E; Mohtar, R; El Ghezal, N; Salahat, M; Martin, P (2009). A multi-scale “soil water structure” model based on the pedostructure concept. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 1111-1163 download
Zhai, T; Mohtar, RH (2009). Current Use and Prospects of Informatics in Modeling, Analysis and Management of Natural Resources. In Systems Analysis and Modeling in Food and Agriculture, KC Ting, David H Fleisher, Luis F Rodriguez (Eds) 409-424 download
Braudeau, E, RH Mohtar, M Ronin, MR Abou Najm, MA Salahat, C Day, J Mallory, A Conklin (2007). KamelSoil®: A model for soil characterization from basic soil textural properties. Paper number 072214, 2007 ASABE Annual Meeting. (doi: 10.13031/2013.22987). download
El-Awar, F.A., T. Zhai, R.H. Mohtar, W. Jabre. (2007) Modeling grazing in the Semi-Arid Rangelands of Lebanon Using GRASIM. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 23:6, 803-810. ASABE ISSN 0883-8542. download.
Zhai, T., Rabi H. Mohtar, A.R. Gillespie, G.R. von Kiparski, K.D. Johnson, and M. Neary. (2006). Modeling forage growth in a Midwest USA silvopastoral System. AgroForestry Systems 67:243-257. DOI 10.1007/s10457-005-3823-0.hai
Mohamed Ouessar, Adriana Bruggeman, Fethi Abdelli, Rabi H. Mohtar. (2005). Adaptation and Evaluation of SWAT Model for Application in an Arid Watershed in southeast Tunisia. Watershed Management in Dry Ares: Challenges and opportunities Jerba, Tunisia. download
Erik Braudeau, Jean-Pierre Frangi, and Rabi H. Mohtar(2004). Characterizing Nonrigid Aggregated Soil-Water Medium Using its Shrinkage Curve. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 68:359-370 download
Jaber, F.H. and Rabi H. Mohtar. 2002. Dynamic Time Step for One-Dimensional Overland Flow Kinematic Wave Solution. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE 7(1): 3-11. Also presented as ASABE Paper No. 00-3047. download
Montas, H., R.H. Mohtar, A. Hasan, F. AlKhal. 2000. Heuristic space-time design of monitoring wells for contaminant plumes characterization in stochastic flow fields. Journal for Contaminant Hydrology. 43: 271-301. Also presented as ASABE Paper No. 98-3173. download
Mohtar, R.H. J. D. Jabro, D.R. Buckmaster (1997) A Grazing Simulation Model: GRASIM. B: Field Testing. Transactions of the ASAE. Vol. 40(5):1495-1500. American Society of Agricultural Engineers 0001-2351 / 97 / 4005-1495. (Journal Paper No. 15245, Agricultural Experiment Station, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47906.) download
Mohtar, R.H., D.R. Buckmaster, S.L. Fales (1997) A Grazing Simulation Model: GRASIM A: Model Development. Transactions of the ASAE. Vol. 40(5):1483-1493. American Society of Agricultural Engineers 0001-2351 / 97 / 4005-1483. resented as ASAE Paper No. 94-7525. (Journal Paper No. 15243, Agricultural Experiment Station, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47906.) download
Haghighi, K., V.F. Bralts, R. H. Mohtar, and L.J. Segerlind. 1989. Modeling expansion/contraction, valve and booster pump in hydraulic pipe network analysis: A finite element approach. Transactions of the ASABE 32(6):1945-1953. download