Tag Archives: infrastructure

2015 IWRA Ven Te Chow Memorial Award – Prof. Rabi H. Mohtar

2015 IWRA Ven Te Chow Memorial Award – XVth World Water Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland – Prof. Rabi H. Mohtar (lecture: Thursday 28 May, 14:45,  EICC- Pentland Full Suite Level 3.) The Ven Te Chow Memorial Lecture, one of the most prestigious awards of the IWRA, named after Prof. Ven Te Chow, first President of IWRA, an eminent water scientist and leading figure in water resources in the second half of the 20th Century. The Memorial Award was instituted by IWRA in his memory, and is presented at its triennial World… Read More →

IUCN/IWA Nexus Dialogue: Case Studies

The ‘Nexus Dialogue on Water Infrastructure Solutions’, underway since September 2012, focuses on consensus building on the central challenge of the water, energy and food security nexus: how to optimize dam operations and water infrastructure solutions, including built and natural infrastructure options, for overall benefits to people, nature and sustainable economic development. The project is building a global dialogue platform on water infrastructure solutions for the nexus. ‘Reference’ case studies that contribute to this global dialogue are displayed. Case studies have been selected to include two or three sectors… Read More →

Aggies Salute: the Energy Complex

Demands for cleaner, safer and larger quantities of Energy are impacted by seemingly individual effects of population growth, industrial and production needs, and disparate resources. Texas A&M faculty are working across disciplines to understand how these factors are interconnected and informed by energy sources, utilization, infrastructure, and policy (the Energy Complex). Building on existing strengths in engineering, agriculture, science, geosciences, and architecture, Texas A&M Faculty receive the Aggie Commit Salute for their efforts to improve education, innovation, engagement and impact for a brighter Energy future. (photo, left to… Read More →

IUCN/IWA Nexus Dialogue – Beijing 2014

IUCN/IWA Nexus Dialogue on Water Infrastructure Solutions, in Beijing China, November, 2014.  The Beijing Symposium goal was to enable new partnerships that will commit to implementing best practices for water infrastructure for water, energy and food. Bassel Daher, Research Associate at TAMU was one of about 60 international and regional professionals, from public and private sectors, who worked together to develop a series of evidence-based policy recommendations to help move existing policy concepts into actionable programs and investments. Daher participated in the session “Global Experiences on the Water-Energy-Food… Read More →